Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Wonderful Story of Giving Back

Meet Angela. (She's in the blue scrub top in the bottom row.)

Angela is a new customer of ours and has given us permission to share her story and photos. She partnered with her local Red Cross and recently traveled to Honduras where she was able to provide first responder and CPR training to 255 students. Her students are studying to be healthcare workers in very rural parts of Honduras. She also provided the same training to 40 local government representatives that are living and working in very remote communities. She contacted us just a few days prior to her departure and we were able to deliver her Prestan Ultralite Manikins just in time for her trip. Since her students had never owned any manikins for training she very generously voluntarily donated the manikins she purchased with MCR Medical Supply to ensure their education continued with reliable training tools.

The picture above was one Angela provided us from her trip along with a few kind words directly from her.
“I just wanted to let you all know that my manikins arrived today in time to take them to Honduras. These are the coolest manikins ever! The chest rise is so great. I can't believe there's that much utility in such small and light packaging!!”

Thank you Angela, not only for sharing your story with us but for sharing your knowledge and skills to those less fortunate. You are changing the world.

#mcrmedical  #CPR  #cprsaveslives  #firstaid  #CPRinstructor #cprsupplies  #firstaidsupplies #cprtraining  #prestan  #cprmanikins

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